Well, Here I am in Jungrang! It's totally different but I love it. I haven't met a lot of our investigators yet, but I am really excited to work in this area. We have a service project that we do in this area. We go to a work place for those with special needs. As far as I can tell, they are employed by larger companies to package and prepare items such as rubberbands and other simple items, and then send them to the stores to be sold. It's a really cool system, and we just help them with whatever they need. Oh my goodness, they are so adorable! They are seriously the sweetest, purest souls ever and working with them is such a blessing. We are giving service, but it blesses us FAR more to just be near them and soak in their spirits. Oh my goodness, I am SOO excited to continue this service project while here in this area!
We went to church on Sunday and met with our new bishop and ward mission leader. They are wonderful, and are very involved with what we are doing. They want to help in anyway possible. The ward mission leader has 9 children, which is large anywhere but in Korea is practically unheard of. Yet he is so willing to offer up his home and any other resources to help us in this work! It's incredible. There are three of us who came new into this area this transfer; Sister LeBlanc, Elder Murdock (from St. George, Shalynne's friend. Small world) and I. Our first Sunday in a ward, we have to give a brief talk introducing ourselves to the members. They usually want us to keep this under 2 minutes or so. So we prepared for that. But at our missionary coordination meeting that morning, the bishop informed us that only one speaker was on the program and we were expected to fill the rest. So 5-10 minute talks would be good. Well, with a good few minutes of preparation, we were able to fulfill the Bishop's request and it was really cool to feel the spirit during those messages. My new companion is awesome! She speaks very little english, so everything we do, we do it in Korean. Planning, prayers, teaching, conversations with each other, etc. It has definitely been a huge struggle and blessing! I am often hard on myself and my abiility to communicate effectively in Korean. But at the end of the day, I will look back and realize how much was accomplished, all in Korean. Sometimes it takes those moments of reflection to realize just how far I've come. And more importantly, how much the Lord is magnifying my ability far beyond my own capacity. I am so grateful for my Savior, and also my new companion, Hong Son Heh. She is great at helping me learn to say things correctly, and I am teaching her english as well so we have a lot of fun.
It's been another great week here in Seoul Korea. I cannot believe that on the 31st, I will have been a missionary for a whole year. Where has the time gone!? This is the greatest work in the world, and I am so grateful to be a part of it. I love all of you, and pray that all is well. Have a great week!
-Sister Shanelle Seegmiller :)
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